A quick and easy palate-pleaser for the whole family. Looking for something different than the traditional chicken menu options? Combine Italian-inspired ingredients with your chicken and see the smiles...
Tired of plain old chicken, I put this together from ingredients I had on hand. With some say... garlic mashed potatoes, cranberry relish and a big salad... you can't miss. Enjoy !!
Skinless chicken breasts are seasoned with rosemary and pan-fried, then served over basmati rice with a unique, sweet and spicy plum and habaneros salsa. Pair with green beans and toasted pine nuts.
Thin, crispy chicken breasts fried golden brown makes a filling, quick and delicious sandwich for those busy nights. It's definitely a two-hander! Add toppings of your choice (shredded lettuce, tomato,...
This is a great easy recipe for last-minute guests or a busy weeknight when you want something a little special. You may want to double the sauce and serve it over rice.
Fresh basil is essential to get that fresh burst of flavor with a hint of sweet and sour in this dish. The ingredients are all on hand when my herb garden is in season! Add a salad and a favorite vegetable...
Fresh basil is essential to get that fresh burst of flavor with a hint of sweet and sour in this dish. The ingredients are all on hand when my herb garden is in season! Add a salad and a favorite vegetable...
This was a quick and easy dish with a yummy sauce that is easily adapted based on what you may have in the kitchen. The apple juice helps to cut some of the acidity of the lemon so there is still a nice...
This delicious chicken recipe includes a simple exercise in pan gravy perfection. If I only had one day to teach someone how to cook, you better believe this archetypal sauce recipe would be one of the...
This is Cashew Chicken in the style first served in Springfield, Missouri in the 1960's. It involves deep frying the chicken pieces in peanut oil. 'Show Me' state Cashew Chicken!
Fresh basil is essential to get that fresh burst of flavor with a hint of sweet and sour in this dish. The ingredients are all on hand when my herb garden is in season! Add a salad and a favorite vegetable...
Fresh basil is essential to get that fresh burst of flavor with a hint of sweet and sour in this dish. The ingredients are all on hand when my herb garden is in season! Add a salad and a favorite vegetable...
Skinless chicken breasts are seasoned with rosemary and pan-fried, then served over basmati rice with a unique, sweet and spicy plum and habaneros salsa. Pair with green beans and toasted pine nuts.
Fresh basil is essential to get that fresh burst of flavor with a hint of sweet and sour in this dish. The ingredients are all on hand when my herb garden is in season! Add a salad and a favorite vegetable...
My Jewish great grandmother's recipe for chicken. Chicken is battered and breaded with a matzo coating that is seasoned with Hungarian paprika for a winning flavor.
An easy way to dress up chicken breasts, this recipe incorporates a tasty smoked mozzarella cheese. Cooked in a cast iron skillet, you can keep your oven off and your kitchen cool!
This is a quick and easy recipe to prepare, made with what everyone has on hand in the kitchen, and is delicious! (Note: When I am in a real hurry, I julienne the chicken and add all of the ingredients...
Skinless chicken breasts are seasoned with rosemary and pan-fried, then served over basmati rice with a unique, sweet and spicy plum and habaneros salsa. Pair with green beans and toasted pine nuts.
My Jewish great grandmother's recipe for chicken. Chicken is battered and breaded with a matzo coating that is seasoned with Hungarian paprika for a winning flavor.
Lemony, spicy, flavorful chicken breasts. A good company dish. I like to serve this with plain cooked white or brown rice, and to spoon the sauce over it. Almondy lemony chickeny goodness!
Lemony, spicy, flavorful chicken breasts. A good company dish. I like to serve this with plain cooked white or brown rice, and to spoon the sauce over it. Almondy lemony chickeny goodness!
A quick and easy palate-pleaser for the whole family. Looking for something different than the traditional chicken menu options? Combine Italian-inspired ingredients with your chicken and see the smiles...
A quick and easy palate-pleaser for the whole family. Looking for something different than the traditional chicken menu options? Combine Italian-inspired ingredients with your chicken and see the smiles...